Sunday, June 27, 2010

Phoenix Man Arrested After Dog Found Taking Its Last Breath

It's too hot for any dog to be outside in this heat. It only takes 3 mins for a dog's brain to literarily fry in the heat in a hot car. I have heard about people saying that they are "just leaving the dog in the car for a few minutes". But that is all it takes. In this case, the dog was left to suffer on purpose. Please-Be extra cautious in this weather and bring your animals inside!
PHOENIX - Maricopa County Sheriff's deputies make arrest after dog dies from suspected animal abuse.

MCSO arrested Kenneth Tucker, 19, on felony animal cruelty charges.

About a week ago a deputy followed up on a call of animal abuse at Tucker's residence and spotted a large dog in a cage in the backyard. The deputy noticed the cage was too small for the size of the dog.
According to MCSO the dog was panting and crying, not moving and appeared lifeless.

The dog's cage was in a sunny area with no water near the dog.

Immediately after being removed from the cage the dog died.

The temperature of the dog was 111.9 degrees, which was as high as the thermometer read. The normal body temperature for a dog is 101-103 degrees.

Tucker was booked into jail on two felony animal cruelty charges and two counts of animal neglect.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This is what abuse looks like

I am in several yahoo groups, and I get emails daily about dogs in need from various areas. I've seen cruelty, abuse, neglect, all of it...It's hard to choose which ones to help since they all are so deserving. Every case deserves care.
But when this email came today, I had to stop and take pause.
THIS is the face of abuse. THIS is the face of neglect. This poor dog was so matted that it couldn't even eat and could barely breathe. His mouth was matted shut.
This dog was thrown away like trash. So after all the abuse this poor dog suffered through, it was then discarded in a high kill shelter where it could suffer it's last few days on this earth.
This poor animal had to be shaved down just so they could get to his face.
How can we as a society allow this kind of thing to go? Surely anyone that would have seen or come into contact with this dog would (or should) have questioned that maybe something was wrong...Anyone with a pulse can see that. How can this be the best that we can do?
Surely any living creature deserves better than what this animal had to endure.....
How come noone came to this dogs rescue BEFORE it got this bad. Someone should have come forward and stepped up to be this dogs hero. So where were they? Cleary they never came...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I stole your dog today....

I Stole Your Dog Today

I stole your dog today. No, I didn't set a foot on your

property, but from the condition of your dog, I can

imagine what it looks like...the word 'junkyard'

comes to mind.

I found her along a road, with a heavy chain wrapped

around her neck, still attached to rotten boards from

her doghouse, with rusty six-penny nails protruding.

Not only did I know that most of the town had already

ignored her, judging by where I found her, but I knew

that if she had gotten into the woods the 'cross' that

she dragged behind her would have wrapped around a

tree until starvation or thirst killed her.

The local populace is usually deaf to the sound or blind

to the sight of an animal in need, unless they decide

to shoot one for trespassing.

That her ribs showed, that her ears were filthy, that

her overall condition was poor and that her coat and

eyes were dull, were good indications that you didn't

deserve her. But just to make sure, I checked with the

local authorities for a report of a missing (unlicensed)

dog matching her description and to see if you'd placed

a 'lost dog' advertisement in the local newspaper.

You hadn't, which I can only surmise means that you

do not miss her. That's rather convenient, because the

fact that she is not spayed, probably unvaccinated,

and possibly heartworm positive means that restoring

her health could cost me around a thousand dollars.

Perhaps it may be some small comfort to know that

she doesn't miss you. In fact, her very act of escape

made it clear that she'd had enough of your brand of

pet guardianship.

It took her about a day to realize that I'm not you,

that I won't hurt her, that despite our brief

acquaintanceship, I love her. It took two days for

her to realize that the other animals who live here

accept her and that one of the joys she has been

missing has been the companionship of other dogs.

It took three days for her to appreciate the ecstasy

of a home cooked meal and that a couch is meant to

be reclined on, and that she no longer has to sleep

outside - in fact, when the thunder starts, she'll get

a hug and her ears rubbed, and I'll make a fool of

myself with baby talk.

She has a beautiful name now. Already in the first week

she has come to look more like she should. Her eyes

sparkle and she has learned to wag her tail in

greeting. She has stopped flinching when I make a

sudden movement, because she knows now that I

won't beat her, in fact, she rarely leaves my side.

She's even become brave enough to bark at a cat

and today I watched from the window as she initiated

play with the other dogs.

No, it's clear she does not miss you or her former

life of neglect on a chain. Of all the things that have

become apparent from my brief relationship with

her - such as the forgiving nature of the dog, their

wonderful ability to heal and to trust, the fact that

love can work miracles - one of the most apparent

is what a fool you are. She was possibly the most

trusting, loyal and loving being in your life, and you

consigned her to a life of filth and loneliness until

she made the best choice she's ever made when

she broke free.

Perhaps her guardian angel helped her escape.

Lest anyone should mistake me for an angel, I will

admit that one day I hope to be as good as she;

I believe she forgave you within the first twenty-four

hours of her new life for the about four years of her

previous 'life,' while I still wrestle with the part of

me that hopes that one day you will burn in Hell.

It's not clear yet whether she'll remain here or whether

I'll find her a loving home where she can count on

more individual attention than I can give her, but

one thing is certain, this is one bit of stolen 'property'

who is never returning to you. So sue me, prosecute

me, plead with the courts that she is rightfully yours...

I'm convinced this is the best 'crime' I've ever committed.

Hardly anything has pleased me more than the day

I stole your dog. I need only look into her beautiful

brown eyes to know that she'd defend my decision

with her life. If we have one prayer, it is that you will

not replace her, and if we have one special day to

commemorate together, it is the day I stole your dog

and the day she stole my heart.

Copyright Jim Willis 2002

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mutts Matter Rescue

I just made this new video for our rescue....
I think it gets the message across. There are so many dogs still out there that need help.
But we have to keep moving forward.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bailey the pug and The Gretz Family

Our rescue has been working very hard to help as many dogs as we can in the south. They have much more trouble adopting out dogs the further south you go. Spay and neuter are not common terminology there. I met a woman named Debbie Gertz (through my friend Tina) who was trying to transport a 10 year old blind pug here from SC. My good friend and fellow rescuer Tina Arndt helped connect us to get the pug here. After talking, she sent me some photos of her clan. She has quite the crew. Several pugs, a mastiff mix, and a terrier. (Hope I didn't miss any). What struck me most was a dog named Bailey that she spoke about.
Bailey was a sweet girl who was an owner surrender. When Debbie went to pick up Bailey, the owners did not bother to tell her that the dog was paralyzed from her middle back.

"When I met them in a parking lot, they said “oh, by the way, she can’t walk”. She had dragged sores all over one side of her body. I got in touch with Pets with Disabilities and they put me in touch with Eddies Wheels. Eddie had a used wheel cart that he adjusted to her measurements and sent to me. I popped her in it and walked in front of her with a few treats and she was off and running. I was so thrilled! She was so happy and running all over the place, playing with the other dogs and even Spartacus. The most wonderful women drove from NC to adopt her, and now Bailey spends her days in a rehab center for children, where she inspires all who meet her."

I just love this story because it shows you that there is someone for every dog out there and that there are people that do care. Look how Bailey is now inspiring others because of her disability.

Thank you Debbie for giving all that you do for so many dogs in need!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Some things to ask yourself before you adopt....

Is This Dog Good With Kids?
I get asked this question alot. Here is your answer:
Very few dogs dislike kids. What dogs dislike is being sat on, hit, poked, carried around like a stuffed toy, having their ears and tails pulled, or being otherwise abused.
Would you like these things? Probably not. Be aware: Abuse is still abuse, whether the perpetrator means it that way or not. A puppy who is tossed into the air and injured has been abused, whether the tosser is an adult or an unsupervised two year-old. So rather than ask a rescuer, "Is this dog good with kids?", ask yourself the following:
- Have I taught my child that animals are sentient beings with feelings?
- Have I taught my child to treat animals with respect?
- Is my child old enough to understand that he is capable of hurting an animal? And that an animal who is being hurt is not at fault for defending itself?
- Have I arranged to give my pet a safe place in our home where my child may not approach him?
- Is my child old enough to recognize a pet as a responsibility, not a toy?
- Am I committed to constantly supervising all interaction between my very young child and our pet? If you answered "Yes" to every question, you're ready to introduce a pet to your family. If the answer to even one question is "No", you need to consider waiting until your child is a more appropriate age.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day

For some reason, this wasn't posted yesterday like it should have been.

In honor of the many fallen heroes, both human & canine, please remember our troops this Memorial Day.....